We are a Year 1 class at Nelson Central School, Nelson, New Zealand. Most of us are 5 years old,
except for our teachers, Tracy and Sam and our teacher aide, Victoria, who are a little older. This blog lets you know what we
have been up to and what our next learning steps will be. We love to find out what people
think about our class so please get typing and leave us a comment.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Week 5 Term 4

A first for us this week was our sculpture walk around Nelson with Nicki from the museum. She had never taken a Year 1 class before and it turned out to be a great morning for both the children and the adults. Why not re-live the walk with your family on a sunny Nelson day and your children can share their learning with you. Here is a selection of the sculptures we looked at.

In Discovery time on Friday we tried our hand at mini sculptures. Can you see a resemblance between this sculpture and one we spotted on our walk?

We also had an impromtu P.E. lesson trying out our skills at climbing through the hinake on the Aratuna Bridge

What else have we been up to this week?
Practicing our basic facts by doing domino addition.
 Tricky word practice is still going strong.
 We are developing our alphabetical order knowledge. 
 Crystal's mum came in and helped us plant up our bee garden, as you can see we added some bees during Discovery Time as well.

This week in No Child Left Inside it was time to learn the basic skills of long jump by jumping over Jane's lazy river whilst tapping a balloon at the same time to encourage height.
 Fun Friday started with a very informative visit from Lori the cockatiel.
The much anticipated Discovery Time again resulted in heaps of collaboration and creativity including playdough and toothpick sculptures...
 ...rocket ships...
 ...developing our bee garden....
 ...Minecraft buildings......
 .......toys for sisters.....
 ....animals in zoo cages......
 .....and helicopters.

What are we learning in Term 5 Week 4?

Letters and Sounds: revision of digraphs and extension by looking at alternative digraphs
Grammar: Adjectives continued
Writing: shared writing, recounts and narratives
Maths: Basic Subtraction Facts to 5 and 10
P.E.: Fundamental skills: relays
Maori: numbers
Topic: Bees
Art: : 3D paper Sculptures
ICT: simple word processing and importing an image from clipart


Don't forget to send in sunhats and water bottle daily unless you are leaving them at school.
Daily Spelling homework continues until week 9
Junior athletics day, Wednesday 26th or Thursday 27th November 9.20-11.40, families welcome, helpers needed, details to be sent home this week
Suter Art Gallery Christmas Ceramics: Wednesday 3rd  December, helpers needed
Kowhai Big Day Out at Founders Park: Tuesday 16th Dec

Term Dates

Term 4: ends Friday 19th December
Term 1 2015 starts on Tuesday 3rd February

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