We are a Year 1 class at Nelson Central School, Nelson, New Zealand. Most of us are 5 years old,
except for our teachers, Tracy and Sam and our teacher aide, Victoria, who are a little older. This blog lets you know what we
have been up to and what our next learning steps will be. We love to find out what people
think about our class so please get typing and leave us a comment.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Week 2 and 3 Term 4

The weeks are flying past but there is still plenty of fun learning going on in Room 10. In Week 2 we had our final cricket session with Kate. It started with a high energy game of tag.
 Then we learned how to hold the ball correctly for bowling to the person batting.......
 ...and final we tried our hand at bowling.
We were treated to some magical news. We all very much enjoy the different items friends bring in to share on their news day and the great stories they tell. Thanks to all the families for preparing their children for this weekly event.
We have been learning how magic 'e' likes to be friends with other vowels and changes them from making their sound to saying their name. In this example we found out how 'kit' changes to 'kite' when magic 'e' is added.
 We also showed great skills of collaboration in our reading rotation groups.

Room 10 Discovery Week 2 Term 4 on PhotoPeach
In Week 3 we added eyes and antennae to our bee models.
On Wednesday some of our Room 5 buddies came to help us learn how to make a simple animation movie using the Lego Movie app. We will be having a second session with our friends next Wednesday.
 Some other slightly furrier friends visited us during news time this week.
We improved our numeracy skills and knowledge by playing the card game Quick and the Dead and learning to count on from the biggest number.
 Some of us learned how to use a number line to help add numbers up to 20.....
... and others practiced hearing and reading teen numbers and ty numbers e.g. 13 and 30 by playing bingo
Discovery Time Room 10 Week 3 Term 4 on PhotoPeach

What are we learning in Term 4 Week 4?

Letters and Sounds: Magic e with u e.g. cut changes to cute
Tricky Words: was, 
Grammar: Adjectives
Writing: shared writing, recounts and narratives
Maths: Doubles plus group focus
P.E.: Fundamental skills 
Maori: colours
Topic: Bees
Art: : bee diorama using paper tearing and scrunching 
ICT: maths interactive games and Lego Movie animations


Don't forget to send in sunhats and water bottle daily unless you are leaving them at school.
Daily Spelling homework starts again this week.
Museum Sculpture Walk around Nelson: provisionally booked for Tuesday 11th November leaving school at 9.30
End of November Kowhai athletics day, date to be announced, families welcome
Suter Art Gallery Christmas Ceramics: Wednesday 3rd  December, helpers needed
Kowhai Big Day Out at Founders Park: Tuesady 16th Dec, alternative date in case of bad weather id Wed 17th Dec

Term Dates

Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December
Term 1 2015 starts on Tuesday 3rd February


  1. wow you guy have been having far too much fun with out me! I might juts have to come in and see you all. Who would like me to read story?
    Miss you all.
    Love Victoria

  2. To Britney, we like how you play. From ZOE Lexxis



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