We are a Year 1 class at Nelson Central School, Nelson, New Zealand. Most of us are 5 years old,
except for our teachers, Tracy and Sam and our teacher aide, Victoria, who are a little older. This blog lets you know what we
have been up to and what our next learning steps will be. We love to find out what people
think about our class so please get typing and leave us a comment.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Week 3 and 4 Term 3

On this blog post you can view our learning for the last 2 weeks. Mmmmm, I wonder where these guys were off to.

Have a look at the movie clips below to see the amazing animations they have been making with Finn's dad. An enormous thank you to your Dad Finn, who is hoping to work with all the children over the next few weeks to give them an introduction to animation...Hollywood watch out!

We have been learning more about measuring length and have begun to investigate comparing the weights of different objects by using 'the three bears'. 

 We have been showing some great team skills during independent  maths activities.
We started our topic on the Great White Butterfly with a brainstorm in our inquiry groups about all the things we already know about butterflies.

 Then we shared our knowledge with our friends using the De Bono's white thinking hat which considers what information is already known
 We then put all our ideas onto a class brainstorm.
It has been lovely to see children starting to bring in examples of their writing from home or writing letters at home for the class letter box..well done,keep up the good work. We are going to start a class book of writing that has been done at home so it can be shared at reading times.

In art with Sam we have started working on our kiwi drawings which we hope to use as our pictures for this year's Calendar Art fundraising project. If all goes to plan these pictures will be available to make into calendars,cards and notebooks.......they will make great Christmas gifts and help raise some money for the school at the same time

 We had some book sharing time with our Room 5 buddies this week, we are turning into very confident readers now.
 Although there has been no fundamental skills with Jane due to weather and a prior commitment we have still been active and healthy by practicing our Futsal and skipping skills.

Finally we hope you enjoy this round up of Discovery from the last 2 weeks.

Discovery in Room 10 Week 3 and 4 Term 3 on PhotoPeach

What are we learning in Term 3 Week 5?

Letters and Sounds:medial 'e' e.g. bed, peg, met
Tricky Words: 'you, that, your, of" 
Writing: shared writing, recounts and teddy information reports
Maths: measurement and ordering numbers to 10,20 and 100
P.E.: Fundamental skills, skipping and futsal
Maori: Numbers
Topic: Greta the Grotty Butterfly
Art: : kiwi pattern pictures
ICT: Animations


Sam and Tracy are class sharing this term
Museum Trip: Maori Musical Instruments: Wednesday 10th September
Daily Spelling homework all term
Term 3 ends 26th September

Term Dates

Term 3: Monday 21 July to 26th September
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December

Sunday 3 August 2014

Week 2 Term 3

This week we were treated to another play, this one was called 'Don't Forget Grandma!

 We have been busy continuing to add to the number of words that we can read and spell from memory. Making them in play dough helps us to think carefully about the letter formatron.
 Also in literacy we have been working on developing our alphabet knowledege.
 There was plenty of laughs and smiles during some tricky target practice in our 'No Child Left Inside' session this week.

 In maths we have been learning about measurement comparing how tall we are and measuring objects using cubes.

We have made a chart of how tall all our Room 10 friends, pop in and have a look, you could even add your own height to the chart.
Discovery Time included making toast, designing and colouring mermaids, 2D and 3D shape building, junk modelling and some more chalk games outside. Take a look at this week's slide show:

Discovery Week 3 Term 3 Room 10 on PhotoPeach

What are we learning in Term 3 Week 3?

Letters and Sounds: final sounds
Tricky Words: 'he/she' and 'her/there' 
Writing: shared writing, recounts and butterfly  information reports
Maths: measurement and doubles
P.E.: Fundamental skills and Skipping
Maori: colours
Topic: Greta the Grotty Butterfly
Art: : kiwi pattern pictures
ICT: NZ animals app


Sam and Tracy are class sharing this term
Parent Teacher Interviews Tues, Wed, Thurs this week
Museum Trip: Maori Musical Instruments: Wednesday 10th September
Daily Spelling homework all term
Term 3 ends 26th September

Term Dates

Term 3: Monday 21 July to 26th September
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December