We are a Year 1 class at Nelson Central School, Nelson, New Zealand. Most of us are 5 years old,
except for our teachers, Tracy and Sam and our teacher aide, Victoria, who are a little older. This blog lets you know what we
have been up to and what our next learning steps will be. We love to find out what people
think about our class so please get typing and leave us a comment.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Week 5 and 6 Term 3

In maths we have been learning to order numbers to 20 and beyond even if some of the numbers are missing.
You can have a go at our favourite interactive game for practicing this by clicking on the link below:
With Sam we have been continuing our work on measurement by using our toy bears to investigate and compare length and weight.

 We are continuing to learn 2 new tricky words each week, an important part of this learning is finding different ways of representing these words, play dough is always a favourite.
 As part of our learning about the medial vowel 'i' we used a You Tube clip to learn step by step how to draw a digger. The results were amazing as you can see below. Look out for them on display in the classroom later the week.

Week 5 and 6 Term 3 in Room 10 on PhotoPeach
 Something rather odd appeared in the playground this week. This creature is a bit shy and did not like the camera so the only evidence we have is this photo of it walking away from Room 10. What type of creature do you think this is?
Finally looking for a bargain way to do your Christmas shopping, why not consider copies of the Food Central cookbook which is now available at a much reduced price of $20 compared to the original $40. Copies can be purchased at the school office. Don't forget to say which class you belong to as the profits made will go straight back into the syndicate the class belongs to. In Kowhai we will be using any money raised to fund our Big Day Out at the end of Term 4 and to support the make-over of the Junior Playground.

What are we learning in Term 3 Week 7?

Letters and Sounds:medial vowels
Tricky Words: could, should, up, for
Writing: shared writing, recounts and a secret task!!!!!!
Maths: measurement and doubles
P.E.: Fundamental skills and skipping
Maori: waitata, mihi and colours
Topic: Greta the Grotty Butterfly
Art: : secret project!!!!!!!
ICT: Animations


Sam and Tracy are class sharing this term
Please sens hats to school from 1st September until the end of the school year as part of our Sun Safety programme
Museum Trip: Maori Musical Instruments: Wednesday 10th September
Daily Spelling homework all term
Term 3 ends 26th September

Term Dates

Term 3: Monday 21 July to 26th September
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December


  1. I think I know who the play ground creature is! He is really rather lovely. Thank you all so much for my get well letters you really cheered me up. I have missed you all lots.
    See you soon.
    Love Victoria x x

  2. Hello Room 10, it is Fin's Opa here. Hi Fin.

    I think the playground creature is the 2-legged hippo-gruffalo. Tell me if you think I am wrong.

    And the digger pictures! Wow, they look great.

    Mmmm, summer must be nearly here if you are wearing your sun hats already. Have yourselves a great week Room10.


  3. I like the bee poem because I like the bees crawling in the flowers.


  4. Zoe i Love how you Jumped the high jump mat. from Lilly.



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