We are a Year 1 class at Nelson Central School, Nelson, New Zealand. Most of us are 5 years old,
except for our teachers, Tracy and Sam and our teacher aide, Victoria, who are a little older. This blog lets you know what we
have been up to and what our next learning steps will be. We love to find out what people
think about our class so please get typing and leave us a comment.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Week 7 Term 1

This week in maths we have been learning to count sets of objects and write the number in each set.
We looked at the Gingerbread Man story in statistics and in pairs sorted objects that we would see in the story, might see and would not see.
 We tried  a new game of lacing to help develop our fine motor skills and make our fingers strong for writing.
We have now settled in to our routine of reading books from the class library  each day when we come in from lunch, next we  need to learn how to put the books back tidily!
Our sounds for this week were 'm' and 'd' can you guess which one we were learning about in this circle session?
On Wednesday Crystal's amazing speaking dog, Kaos, came to see us . I don't know who had the most fun, Kaos having so many tiny hands patting him or us having the chance to make a new canine friend.
 In art we looked at mixing a main colour with black or white to make tints and tones. Sam is planning to make these colour samples into something very tasty, can you guess what that could be?
There was a new, slimy, squidgy fun activity in this week's Discovery Time, take a look at the photo movie below and see if you can spot what it was.
Discovery Time Week 7 Room 10 on PhotoPeach

What are we learning in Term 1 Week 7?

Letters and Sounds: 'g' and 'o'
Tricky: Words  'all' and 'he'
Writing: shared writing and captions
Maths:  number facts to 5 and probability
P.E.: catching 
Maori: morning greetings, mihi
Topic: Class Treaty and Rights of The Child
Art: Painting: tones and tints painting


Museum Visit: to 'Starting with Plants" exhibition Tuesday 8th April, leaving school 9.10 back around 11am. Adult helpers needed.

Term Dates

Term 1: Tuesday 4th February to Thursday 17th April
Term 2: Monday 5th May to Friday 4th July
Term 3: Monday 21 July to 26th September
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 10,

    It's Fin's Opa here again. Good morning Fin.

    I remember the Gingerbread Man story from when I was your age. Just a little time ago!

    I also remember Nana making Gingerbread Men cookies for Fin. They were yum. They had cherries for the mouth, currents for the eyes and a coat made of white icing. Does anybody else have a Nana who makes Gingerbread Men cookies?

    Have a great week Room 10.




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