We are a Year 1 class at Nelson Central School, Nelson, New Zealand. Most of us are 5 years old,
except for our teachers, Tracy and Sam and our teacher aide, Victoria, who are a little older. This blog lets you know what we
have been up to and what our next learning steps will be. We love to find out what people
think about our class so please get typing and leave us a comment.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Week 3 Term 1

This week we have been learning some new ways of remembering the number sequence to 10. We played bingo in pairs and wrote numbers to 10 in chalk, some of us even carried on to 20...well done!

In literacy we have been exploring the books on offer in our class reading corner and also practising the 'Pink Pig' poem that we learnt as part of our work on the sound 'p'. Check it out on the video below.

We have been writing using playdough, little white boards and the ipad as well as in our draft writing books.

 Look out for some of our spider stories that we wrote to accompany these 8 legged creepy crawlies. You can check out our individual spiders and stories on our Kidzstuff blog using the link on this page.
In ICT we have been learning how to use the digital camera including portrait shots, head shots and macro shots. The following pictures were all taken by the children.

Room 10 Discovery Time Week 3 Term 2 on PhotoPeach                          

What are we learning in Term 1 Week 4?

Letters and Sounds: 'n' and 'c'
Tricky: Words  'me' and 'my'
Writing: shared writing and captions
Maths: reading,counting and ordering numbers to 10 and simple graphs
P.E.: catching and swimming
Maori: morning greetings, colours
Topic: Class Treaty
Art: Painting , primary and secondary colours


Swimming: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Suter Visit: Tuesday 25th February, 'Sun Stroke" exhibition, leaving school at 9.05am back by 11am. Adult helpers needed.
School Community Group Picnic: Tuesday 25th Feb 5.30-8.30
School Photos: Thursday 6th March
Purple Cake Day Friday 7th March, dress in purple, helpers needed for face painting
March 17th,18th,19th Parent Teacher Interviews
Museum Visit: to 'Starting with Plants" exhibition Tuesday 8th April, leaving school 9.10 back around 11am. Adult helpers needed.

Term Dates

Term 1: Tuesday 4th February to Thursday 17th April
Term 2: Monday 5th May to Friday 4th July
Term 3: Monday 21 July to 26th September
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December


  1. Hello Room 10. I am Fin's Opa. I am here in Pukekohe with Fin's Nana. Hello Fin.

    It is so nice to see and read about what you are all learning. I especially like the ICT stuff because that is what I am using now to communicate with you all. Because we live so far away, I also use ICT to talk with Fin when he is at home his home in Nelson.

    I wonder how many other children have grandparents that live a long way away?

    Opa and Nana

  2. Wow you guys have been so busy. I love the art work going up in Room 10. I had so much fun making hand prints and mixing colours with you all on Friday. It was messy but very cool!

  3. Wow you guys have been so busy. Hand prints at discovery time was my favourite thing this week!


  4. Great to see another fun, smile filled week



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